NoTAP Resistance Fund // Cassa di Resistenza NoTAP

[ENGLISH BELOW – keep scrolling!] La resistenza locale al mega-gasdotto TAP, un imponente progetto energetico europeo, sta subendo una dura repressione e criminalizzazione. Circa 100 attivisti No TAP – studenti, madri, agricoltori, imprenditori locali – sono sotto processo, con spese legali sbalorditive. Mostriamo la nostra solidarietà, e doniamo (se e quanto possibile) per dare forza […]

Gasdown-Frackdown 2018

Dear Gas-fighters, we did it! Thousands of people over 6 continents took part in almost 100 actions against gas and fracking.

Virtual Gas Conference

We organized two #BeyondGas webinars (September 20-21, 2018), with selected speakers on gas politics, and a session on future activities.

Projects of Common Interest

Projects of Common Interest (PCI) is a category of projects which the European Union has identified as priority for interconnecting Europe better. As such, these projects can receive public money.